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The Emperor’s New Gender

“The Emperor’s New Gender” is a short, 50-page booklet that reimagines Hans Christian Anderson’s famous children’s tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” with a postmodern twist! Anderson’s tale, originally penned in 1837, still has much to teach us today concerning the woes of what is referred to in social psychology circles as pluralistic ignorance—the idea that a person who privately rejects a norm will still go along with it if they believe that everyone else believes it.

TRANSforming Prayer – LGBTQ Edition

This book is designed to guide you through one month of transforming prayer—but it may surprise you to find out who this book is designed to transform. Changing the hearts of others will require a willingness to have your own heart penetrated. Ezekiel 11:19 says that Yahweh can take our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh. But can we expect Yahweh to perform radical heart surgery on others when we have refused to allow Him to first test His sovereign scalpel on us? Prayer is not a statistical crapshoot where we blindly beg Yahweh to intervene—throwing requests at Him like He is nothing more than a Velcro dartboard, hoping our petitions will stick. Prayer is the result of daily intimacy with Christ.

Harps Unhung

Harps Unhung is the poetry project of Eileen Anderson, whose vision was to re-write all one hundred and fifty biblical Psalms, using one hundred and fifty unique poetry formats. Sadly, Eileen had completed only seventy-five of the Psalm poems before succumbing to ovarian cancer in March of 2013. Taking the mantle up after her death, her daughter Vicki completed the remaining seventy-five poems, completing the collection. Harps Unhung is a call for suffering, sick, and weary Christians to praise the Lord in the midst of captivity—knowing, as David did, that God is mighty. Even when life seems the most bleak and hopeless, God is near to the crushed in spirit and deliverance is on its way.

The Weary Wayfarer

Bunyan meets Beowulf in this epic-poetry restyling of The Pilgrim’s Progress! Follow Christian on his journey from City Destruction to the Wicket-gate. Relax with him at House Beautiful; feel his awe as he meets the Shining Ones and gazes upon the Delectable Mountains. Brace yourself as he battles to disburden the bale off his back. Sympathize with him as he slumbers at the arbor and loses his scroll; mourn for him as he is mired in the marshes of the Slough of Despond. Hold your breath as Christian clashes swords with Apollyon, and broods behind bars in the bastille of Giant Despair.

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